Why is this so?
Although HIV prevalence is much lower in Nigeria than in other African countries, such as South Africa and Zambia, the size of Nigeria’s population (around 166.6 million) makes the incidence of the new cases very high.
Where did these new cases come from
1.Hetrosexual sex
Yes! Sex between man and woman. The woman in this case has high probability of contracting the virus than the man.
2.Blood transfusion
Not all nigerian hospital have the technology to effectively screen for the virus in blood samples. So there is the risk of transfusing contaminated blood samples to unsuspecting patients.
3.Mother to child transmission
Most of the children in these new cases were infected by their mother.
Which persons are at most risk of contacting this virus
1.Female sex workers
Brothel and non brothel based female sex workers[ girlfriends and booty call babes, side chicks are all included here]
2.Men who have sex with men
please no one should revoke this anti gay laws. The impact will be disastrous.
3 . Injecting drug users
sharing of needles is wrong and should be discouraged.

Everyone, i mean every Nigerian should endeavour to get tested.There is a myth around hiv testing in Nigeria but here are the true fact
Hiv testing in almost all health facilities in Nigeria is free
Hiv testing should be done every 3 months
In hiv testing, there is a high level of doctor-patient confidentiality:whether your test is positive or negative you are the only one that has the right to disclose your results
Hiv testing results lasts for 30 mintues using the rapid diagnostic test kits
Anyone is at risk of being infected at the salon or barber shop, during blood transfusion, when you are exposed to body fluids of an infected person. Hiv no de show for face
What ways can we protect ourselves
The importance of sex education among the youth is an issue that has been discussed over and over again. We are all tired of hearing it but the fact remains that no parent is talking about it. Here is my take on it
Instead of telling that girl child that when a boy touches you that you will get pregnant [which is a big lie, because when james touched sharon she did not get pregnant].
Tell her that if a man touches her and she gets Hiv there is no cure, and for the rest of her life she will be sick, she might eventually die. If people find out she will lose all your friends and most times family. She will live a lonely life here on earth. Now no matter how scary it sounds. It is the truth, and if she asks your neighbour they will confirm it and your child will believe you.
2.Media campaign and public awareness
every 3 year old child now watches T. V. So every news station including Nickelodeon should imbide a culture of sharing the true facts of Hiv Daily. I remember how Ebola advert filled the news lines, children went around chanting ways of transmission of the deadly ebola. And washed their handes even before you tell them to. Why not do the same for HIV.
We are under the impression that ebola is more deadly.
But a disease that infectes someone, without showing signs or symptoms. Now this person lives among his community sharing needles and clipper at the baber shop, has various multiple partners because he is serching for true love, gets married, infects his wife and has 4 positive children. What is more deadly.
Years from today we will have so many children living with the deadly virus at a tender age.
3.Prevention of mother to child transmission
nigeria has woken up to the PMTCT program. If a mother is positive, she can protect her child from being infected - that is the deal breaker. Hiv positive Mothers can infect there children through three ways
Through the Placenta
During child delivery
But if this positive mother is placed on the antiretroviral therapy she has a high probability of not transmitting the virus to her child. The miracle is a positive mother giving birth to a negative baby.
4 Preventing Hiv in the at most risk groups
gays, lesbians and drug users should be religiously tested and counselled and there interaction with the general population watched closely. These are the group of persons that are at high risk of contacting this virus but there are laws that criminalize there activities. So these persons can't come forward for counselling and testing. My take on it is
There should be a safe haven for these persons to be be counselled and tested without discrimination, though we as a society do not support there practices and inclinations. The fact remains that this virus spreads rapidly among them and they expose the general population when they interact with them.

The fact remains that even though condom doesn't provide absolute 100%protection against this virus, but it sure gives a high level of protection. But then condom provides protection only if it is a consistent correct use of condom.
You have to use it consistently means all the time, don't make an exception for that partner. That is only way to ensure its protection.
Correct use, wearing of both the male and female condom has a way it is done. Yes according to the manufacturer instructions. Dont be in a haste to wear or remove it. You have to religiously abide by the rules.
The point here is applying the both steps, consistent and correct use. Dont let the heat of the moment ruin your life.
6.Health caution
Hiv is not only transmitted through sex.
So anytime your blood samples is being taken in the hospital ensure that the nurse fixed the needle in your presence.
if you are getting blood transfusion or someone close to you is, ensure that the blood is properly screened.
Go to the salon with your clippers please.
For the ladies you can buy your own needles please[ i know it sounds crazy but you bought Brazilian, then you didn't buy needles, and she pricks you with an infected needle, hmmm you are a gonner]
This is the first call in the fight against this virus, abstainance. Seriously it is not as difficult as people claim. You can make that decision today.
8.Be faithful to one faithful partner
You have to be faithful to you partner. Then you have to ensure that your partner is also faithful to you.
We can do all these and hope we will not be infected. But if we are, it is not the end of the world.
Go to your doctor for counselling
When you are placed on the antiretroviral, correct and consistent use of it can extend your life span.
There are so many sucess stories of Hiv positive patients who now have insignificant levels of the virus in their blood. Doesn't mean you are Negative but you will have a great life even as those who are negative.
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