Sunday, 9 August 2015


        I am not a fan of politics. It is simple. Our country's political system has decayed,  more than a rotten fruit that  fell on ur head in during the morning devotion at Otueke Community Development grammar school.

I am talking about the decadnense  today. I am talking about hope. I see a light at the end of this our rugged  tunnel.

  A man was appointed on Tuesday 4th August 2015. Dr. Emmanuel ibe kachikwu. The position he was appointed for was a throne filled with  stones and bricks. But the irony is that he knows.  Well how is that even my business.

Well it became our business when news made rounds that out of 33 ministers that  were probe that only 3 passed. Hmmmmmmm, i screamed baba is at work. When i heard that our famous oil wells  now has a minister.  I was excited. I wanted to know what makes this man so thick that he found favour in baba eyes.

My microscope fell on him.

1.He is a igbo man. Igbo kwenu but please this doesn't mean you should visit his house with your gallon of fuel.

Before you start the quarrel. He is not abia or imo or anambra,. Yes its delta oooooooooooooooo
Sorry before you start claiming that aha ya bu ibefuna.
That his great grand father and yours were both sold during the colonial slave trade

2.He has two chieftancy title.Odogwu and Omeudo.

Odogwu of Onisha-ugbo in Aniocha North Delta state.

My dear pple this man is an odogwu. Meaning he does strong things aka movers  and shakers.
Omeudo meaning  peave loving. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

My point is he is a people person. I seriously do not care about the criteria they used in their village to appoint him.

4.He was born 3 years before this country was formally born.Henis 58 years old.  Show  some respect people. He learnt how to chew the pencil  before this country cried.

5.He is married to two women : now pause, any man that marries two women and manges to be appointed NNPC GMD

  • Must be a leader

  • Has strong  conflict resolution skills

  • Knows how to coordinate his affairs

  • Know how to please people [women]

I really do not care if you say the second women had a secret  marriage. The first wife is still with him and he married the  second one. He is still  able to pacify them and they all come out smiling and chit chatting in public. He must know how to handle internal affairs or he has a Nigerian Oliva Pope  fixing his problems.

 The names of the two women are Elizabeth ikachukwu and Mariam ikachukwu. Dont even get me started with that.

Madam lizzy [Elizabeth of course]  has 3 kids.Nkem,Uche,Emeka.

Nkem just put to bed.Madam lizzy is off for omugwo. She won't  host you when you go to her house. Is her husbands appointment more important than nursing her grand child.

You want them to querry her this August meeting. Madam lizzy which date is even your August meeting for this year. You are  so busy this you will just have to pay the fine of absence and forget it.

Enough of the housewives gist

4.Oga GMD attended the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka. Of the greatest lions  and lionesses [roars in a catlike fashion].

if you attended that school and survived there must be skills that you  acquired. Whether its the Enugu campus, Nsukka campus, Aba campus and others.

  • You must read, whether you have reading habit or not.
  • You must understand, you cant cram and pass, so be assured his not going to scan through the next oil reform document and append his signature without understanding the implications.
  • You must remember all you have read all through your years in school  during your final exams. 
  • You must understand that it is strictly business before pleasure, so no cruzing around town,  painting it red with our oil money.

5.He is a first class graduate.This goes out to all the first class graduate,  that people told it not by your first class. Dont mind them. Here comes your role model.

6.He attended schools in Nigeria, even Nigeria  Law school. So dont give me that crap that education system in Nigeria is bad. He us a product of Nigeria school.

7.He has so many accolades.
Best graduating student law school 1999
In unn he win 7 out of prizes. I guess the other two he didnt win was Best in sports and the most social student. Dont even ask me why.
He has so many accolades i cant start listing them.

8.He has served in various capacities in the oil industry. So i am moved to think  he is equal to the task.
Law, policy making, energy and petroleum, investment what a rare combination.

9.He is also a publisher. Hints magazine, Complete Fashion and Chanelle magazine.In his words "Fashion is not good enough if it can't be noticed"

There are so many things to say  about this man. His numerous years of experience in the oil industry.

But what i  like about the man is that he is too serious minded.
 Few days from appointment he fired[also known as retiring]  5 directors. Hnmn that intense right. Well if that what we need for change to occur. Whatever works for him.

The affected Group Executive Directors are:

Mr. Bernard Otti, GED Finance and Accounts.

Dr.Timothy Okon,Acting GED Exploration and production  who also doubles as Coordinator Corporate Planning& Strategy.

 Engr. Adebayo Ibirogba, Engineering and Technology.

Dr. David Ige, Gas and Power.

Ms. Aisha Abdurrahman, Commercial and Investment.

Dr. Dan Efebo, Corporate Services.

Engr. Ian Udoh, Refining & Petrochemicals.

Dr. Attahiru Yusuf, Business Development.

But the man is also a no nonsense man considering he graduated from the University of No Nonsense. He banned sycophants from  singing his praise. 

Seriously i am not one of them.A was a lady came out and said the man was her former boss, mentor and role model. Tufiakwa. That was my only comment.

Rather he said we should pray for him. Hian pray ke

Oya in Jesus name  Amen
God we thank you for Dr. Emmanuel ibe kachikwu. Bless him oh Lord to declare his assets before he enters this office, protect him from sycophants, provide daily bread for him[am not sure if he uses bama or low fat mayonnaise] sha give him Butter.

God please may he achieve the Nigerian dream of fuel  #45 Naira and Kerosene #50Naira.,gas#100. Yes gas should still  be costly. I dont knw why. Rich people use gas.

And all the voices in Nigeria shout amen.

And God if he steals our money for any reason please send hin to where Abacha is.  Please say amen to this last one

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