When Abubakar shekaru decides who lives and dies based on what he believes in then he is playing god.
How can a human being who was born by a woman wake up and terrorize people. Call does who don’t believe in what he believes in infields. It’s not like we care about what he calls us.
But when he takes it upon himself to decide who lives or who dies. Then the wrath of his creator is clearly upon him.
- He Decides that there is a Christian village and there is a shekaru village. He raids the Christian village.
- He kills the elderly he should call father, the elderly that would advise him of the implication of what he is doing to his neighbor, how he is destroying his country and how he is laying the beauty of his country to waste.
The elderly that will tell him the stories of borno state that he has turned into a war zone. He kills them so that no one will remember the beautiful laughter that once exuded all through the town. The freedom that was once perceived in the air as the evening drew near and every man retired home to his family.
No one will be able to tell the story of how peaceful and industrious this town once was.
All the survivors remember is how they begged for their lives as shekaru killed every member of their household.
- He rapes the mothers he should call maam, he was indeed born of a woman.
He has never stopped to think what if his mother was beheaded before she conceived him, what if he mother was beheaded as she was still nursing him. He was nursed by a woman, but he kills other son’s mothers, he was raised by a woman but he denies this of other children.

- He takes away their girls he should call sister, as these girls sat by their mother at the evening time.
she tells them of her story when he came to the north and married their father.How beautiful her wedding ceremony was. These girls went to bed dreaming of their wedding ceremony and all the beautiful gifts they will get.
How a man will love and cherish them as long as they live. But their dreams were cut short as shekaru took them away in the middle of the night to become his sex objects.
The future they all dreamed of has shattered, they can only remember how their mothers face lit up as she told them her story.
The new dream they have now is on how to escape. As they cuddled under the blanket inside the tents wishing away their lives , anytime the tents covers is pulled another shekaru call for one off them to satisfy his lust for the night.
Aisha cannot find Amina her 4year old sister 3 months after being in this camp.

- Turns the boys he should call brothers into suicide bombers. These boys can’t remember their mothers again, they are deceived that there family is dead and the only way of uniting with them is in death.
As the metals are carefully strapped unto their cloth, all they can think of is how happy there family used to be, before shekaru happened.
The male children who are not turned into suicide bombers are trained with hateful religion. They are taught to despise a country which bore them.
They are taught to despise anyone who doesn’t accept there beliefs.
These children grow up forged with hatred and despise.
Every time the army kills shekaru another one rises again to replace the dead. This time, more vengeful than the first.
A snake that begets twin heads when one is cut off.

They grow up in hatred for their country. They would do anything to destroy what our fore fathers have built. They only dream of when everything is broken and the country falls into chaos.
But today as a country who has lost countless of fathers, mothers and children we will rises against shekaru and all his supporters, not only for what they have done to us but what they intend to do.
Shakaru has played god for a very long time.

He played god when he killed our fathers, murdered our mothers right in front of us, raped our sisters and sent our brothers to kill us.
Starting today lets join this movement to stop shekaru and his supporters.
A lunatic that doesn’t support western civilization but uses internet to post his videos.
A lunatic that uses arms and ammunitions introduced by western civilization.
A lunatic that has foreign accounts abroad.
A raving lunatic that needs the confines of a psychiatric home.
Dead or alive he should be stopped by any means necessary. As a country we should not negotiate with terrorists , we should stand together and stamped this lunatic out of our country
Nice one