Thursday, 30 July 2015

He is an agbero, he is no different from us

Agbero is a legitimate profession

As I sat in maruwa(that what we call the tricycle in Lagos )with two large women – those kinds that sow blouses with 6 yards squeezing me to the extreme end of the  maruwa. My countenance changed the two women didn’t even budge when I asked them to adjust. They started going on how the young girls not from their culture lacks respect. Thats there business was all i tought.

As they were ranting, I just went off the maruwa. The keke man approached me and lamented how it was his turn and how I cannot enter another one, till his maruwa was filled I was furious then, he urged the women to adjust, but you know how people move their bodies when you tell them to  adjust , just so that you will not keep complaining. I just entered unwillingly just because I was in a hurry to get to my destination.

The driver went on yelling to customers to enter and few mintues later a middle aged man entered the front of the keke. So as the driver started off the engine. The rugged, roughly dressed looking agbero approached him and demanded for his cut(also known as ticket fare).he demanded for a ridiculous amount ,( which  total of 200 naira per trip ,and he demanded for 100 naira). Jeez

The women went ballistic, they kept on talking, complaining how it was unfair to the drivers .I could not even contribute because how I was sitting I could barely breath with the stench from the women filling my nostrils.

 The  driver didn’t even answer us, but the man in front chipped in. It was indeed an eye opener
Listen to his analysis: he termed it the motor park business.

A 15 year old boy that just finished in papa Asafha Community Development Grammar School Agege.he goes to the head office where he participates in a vigorous interview

  • How loud can you shout?
  • How long can you stand under the rain and sun? (stamina)
  • Can you harass people?    if yes show us how

If you pass, then you collect the tickets,

 You choose a particular bus stop

  You are given a target.

Now wait for it, these guys are giving ridiculous targets of about 80k to 100k.Dont ask me what the k means.

please which other professions give targets to their employers

Then you have the marketer in the bank
Medical representatives 
Investment bankers just to mention a few

Yes dearies, Agberos are given targets, what were you thinking ?what else will motivate them to stand in their post as early as 4 o clock in the morning, shouting and yelling at you to enter the bus. Insisting in their ticket fare and if you don’t give it to them you will regret it for the rest of the day , the pains all over every inch of your body will make you retire early for that day.

Most times they even wear uniforms but whether they are dressed up in that they green and white or they are shabbily dressed up they are all Agberos. On a second thought a woman at the other extreme asked.

so what happens if they meet the target then

Yes!  the man said they are given the Danfo. The two women screamed WHAT,!!

if you can turn over 100k in a space of  3 months then you will be given a 500k yellow moluwe aka danfo bus to turn over 20k weekly for 14months with change of ownership at the end, yes true fact

So u notice there is no difference between the Agberos collecting money and the Danfo driver, the way he hustled during his Agberos days is the same as when he is given the bus, that Danfo bus is particularly different because it has no front any space they put the bus and you dare not drag the space with them. They have protected their bumpers with the iron railing so you will definitely regret it if you don’t let them pass, they go through people’s houses and back yards just to beat the traffic and most likely they make 6 to 8 trips daily.

But then this Danfo driver can’t drive and collect money on his own so he employs a conductor who helps helps him collect the fare because lagosians too can form smart. They will say I am going to national and give the driver 100 but when they get to national they will not come down they will follow the bus to Oshodi that is 150. Without the conductor the driver has no idea who stops where or not. Despite this there are so many other things the driver faces on his day to day trip now there is the traffic jam

Traffic in Lagos is normal thing so don’t even bother about it. Just buy your gala, and buy a coke and enjoy it

Then there are the traffic wardens who also harass them

Then their Danfo bus always seem to give up on them for so many reasons.

But then if he get through this week and submits his weekly money next you will see him at football centers, owambe parties spending money like a millionaire.

The man was still explaining how they spend their weekend and the keke man shouted agbotukuyo.

I was jolted back I screamed owaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the keke driver screeched and stopped at my bus stop I had learnt a useful lesson that day. This motor park business is a legitimate profession , if you like argue with me from today to tomorrow they are an employer of labour like most professions.
They inculcate marketing skills into these Agberos

 evidently make them successful if they have the stamina and will to be successful


  1. WOW!!! Never saw those people lyk that. I think it's safe to say everything, even the LAWMA workers are professional, not only in white collar jobs can you practice marketing or even climb a professional ladder!

  2. Nw I see what drives dem to act d way they do. Nor b small hussling. Man must wack
