Or that apps now predict what i will look like 50 years from now.
I really do not appreciate that.

So i decided i am going to make a list of things i want to do before i die, should it be true. Hey! I am not paranoid. I am just preparing ahead of time.

yes, alone no room mates, get drunk in ma room and mess up the while place. Play dress up. Sing on top of my voice in the bahroom.Sing john legend's All of me with a baritone voice without any one judging. Leave my clothes lieing all around while listening to Burno mars Lazy song. Go to bed with the T. V on. Waste the tap water.

Travelling alone is very important as travelling to a new fantasy city. Let me say travel to ekiti or ondo or may be otueke. Meet new faces and try out new foods. Learn a different culture.On my list i could also try The bahamas,Paris,Iceland and other weird fantasy city of mine.

Now there are different kinds of treat i want to try out. Go to the spa. Have a third degree exfoliation treatment. Have my acne poped, buy myself two full bucket of kfc cripsy chicken
otherwise known as charity, give a ridiculous large amount of money to a stranger who is in dire need of it. The feeling is very estatic. Also give out most of my expensive gowns.

Truth we all have things we ar scared of. Well for me so many phobias from clusterphobic to aultophobic to abcd to z phobic. I am going to take time out to face them, maybe not all but most of them

The fun thing about this fact is there are no strings attached. There is no responsibility of replying the text exactly one second after the text was sent, cook and wash the guys clothes, smile and laugh at every dry boring joke the guy makes.you dont have to fake the big Oo. This stranger is definitely goin to satisfy.No panting and sweating for a few minutes and stroking his ego about how well he has done.

Now my dream job is workin in A very big organisation as one of the the key project mangers. I would apply for it. Even if i am not qualified.All these organisations are looking for10 years of experience. #they are not serious #

Staying away from internet, phones and gadgets for a week. How i have become so addicted to my phone, the T. V and internet connection is more than the way an agbero is addicted to agege bread. So i need out.

Now this is the most interesting, I always wanted to learn how to speak Spanish. It is said to be the sexiest language. Hmmmmm
A new skill, hope u are not waiting for me to say something fancy, i want to learn how to dance, from hip hop, to tango, salsa and others. I know i have this diva in me that does the split anytime a great song is on. But i have not let her out.So this another important must do.
Maybe learn how to cook korean food. Now thats something i always wanted to try out.

Our country is in chaos because we have so many people who are too greedy and unpatriotic. So i am going to stand up to then and be that Robin Hood i always dreamed about . Now seriously dont ask me how i will do it. Just know that when the time of my death approach, thats when i will start my Robin Hood obession. So i dont cut short my already short life. Someone once said what is worse than a bad man is the indifference of a good man.
So check out the app and find out when you are going to die die. Make your own lists too, and comment on things you want me to add to my list.
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