I went to boarding school that year. It was more exciting than i thought. It was my first time away from my family. I felt so liberated . Well my freedom will soon be over. It is the Christmas holidays. Even though i will have to deal with family drama, but i was excited to go home. Its been long since i last saw them.
I was to go home on 20th December, then my family and I will travel to the village for Christmas.
I got home from awka earlier than i thought. I met an empty house. My house was a 3 storey building with 2 flats facing itself on every storey.
Akin the gateman said, most of the people living in our compound have travelled for Christmas. Thats too early i thought.
I dropped my bags in my room i shared with my sister. I checked every room. It seemed they left in a hurry.
I need answers, where is my whole family?
I locked the doors and hurried downstairs to look for answers. I met mama kamsyi.
She lived in the opposite flat. She was coming back from market with her son kamsyi.
Ngozi she screamed and hugged me so tightly like my mother.
How are you? how is school? , she was going on and about with the plenty questions.
I only had one question for her?
She saw i wasn't replying and i wasn't as enthusiastic as she was.
Oh my dear she exclaimed!
Your mum said she had to travel to the village. But your dad will come back tomorrow to pick you.
Well that was a relief they didnt forget me. But why did they have to travel urgently i asked her.
Oh i have no idea she answered.
Well i will get to know by tomorrow.
Mama kamsyi asked me to stay at her place, but i havent been in my house for a while, so i might i just stay there.
She didnt try persuading me, i guesss she understood.
I went inside our flat and locked the doors. I had a quick bath and started packing my things.
The nepa restored power , oh yeah! i was doing my victory dance. I rushed to the television. When i couldnt find something interesting to watch, i dozed off on the couch.
Suddenly i woke up to the sound of a pussy cat. What is this awful sound i wondered. I was sitting right in the middle of darkness and there was no lamp nearby.
The meow of the cat was s persistent that i began to wonder if the cat was right there in the parlour with me.
But i was interested in finding a torch light. I stood up the fist step i took i stumbled right into a furry thing which gnawed like a cat and it hurried away. I bumped into the center table and i tumbled down.
I think i passed out. Just before then a car passed by our street a ray of light beamed on the clock it was 11.07am before she pushed her long rotten nails through my throat, the other hand muffling my screams.
I sat upright, relived it was only a dream, i heard an alarm clock nearby. I rushed to get it. The alarm clock read 11.06 am i heard the closest door creak open.
Fear dripped me, i held unto the phone. My hands were shaking i was looking for the torch light app. The phone fell off my hand and i looked at the phone, there was a picture of me sleeping but i thought i was alone.
I dropped the phone. I crawled to a corner and hid. The squeak from the door was getting louder. All of a sudden i heard a knock on the window. I stood up and looked at the window, but no one was there. I was determined to leave this parlour and go to the room.
I shut my ears and staggered to the first room by the corridor and the knock got louder.

I looked, the knock was coming from the mirror.someone was strangling a girl in the mirror. I ran out of the room.
The wind began to howl. It blew so hard on the doors and windows banging them and making cluttering sounds. I was standing in the corridor scared of what i might see in the next room. Then the thunder came with a smashing sound as though to make me deaf. The lightening shown at a distant end of the corridor. I saw a skeleton walking towards me. I ran towards it into my mums room.
I heaved a sigh of relieve. I felt comforted by familiar surroundings. Even though my mum wasn't there i could still smell here Cologne my dad gave her for Christmas last year.
I felt at home. I laid on her bed and sniffed her cloth. Well i might as well sleep off.
Then i felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I touched the bed but i didn't feel anything. I ignored it, then i felt a hand grab me so hard that it dug so hard into my hand that i let out a scream.
Then the thing let go when i screamed. My hand was wet i couldn't see what was on my hand. I brought my hand close to my nose and it smelled like blood. I rolled over to the other side of the bed. I bumped into another body.
I stood up and screamed all the way out of the room.
Whose body was on my mums bed. What! They were two bodies.
Cold bodies in my moms room,
What is happening here, is my house haunted or
Wait a minute, what if that was my mums dead body.
Fear gripped me. All around me was cold. I felt like i was going to freeze.
Then the rain came pouring down. I could hear the sound of the droplet as the tickled down on the corridor. Oh my. Was this not the same corridor i saw skeleton on. I bent down by the wall slowly i felt something beside me. It was a torchlight.
I beamed it down the corridor.it felt as if the darkness was overpowering the light from the torchlight. I heard whispers of my name. It sounded just like my mother. Ngo, ngozi, ngozi the voice called calmly.
I ignored it, the voice suddenly became distant. I was glad it was finally over.
Then, Ngozi is the voice called sharply, followed by the sound of a door that shut in a distant.
I felt my bones jumping out if my skin.
I stared into the dark peeping to see something. Then suddenly there was a strong stench of rotten fish smell. I used my hand to wave around my nose to disperse the air.
But the stench got thicker as though it wanted to suffocate me.
I need to move away from the corridor. As i moved into the parlour the rain got heavier, like it was drumming into my ears. I could hardly hear anything. The fish smell got thicker like a dark fog. It seemed to be emanating from the parlour. All of a sudden the nepa brought the light.
Flick the light went off. I screamed and rushed the door as i looked back i felt the fish stench got thicker and the man moving close to me.
I managed to unbolt the door. I ran out of our flat. I was banging on mama kamsyi's door.
I banged and screamed, yelled and i felt our door was opening up.
Then she opened the the door. I collapsed right into her arms.
She grabbed my neck with her both hands. I couldn't scream any more i looked at her. Her eyes were red and glowing. What is happening. I struggle with my last breath and mange to free myself. I ran downstairs, out of the compound and into the streets.
The rain was pouring heavily. I stood in front of our gate and looked upstairs into mama kamsyi flat. I saw shadows of people 5 of them.
Fear was an understatement if what i felt. I stood there rooted to the ground. The blaring of a car horn jolted me to reality. Voom a car ran right into me.
I lost consciousness, i was having a pleasant dream when what sounded like a hammering woke me up. After that i could barely hear the muffled sound of dirt covering the coffin over my screams
I woke up, my dad was staring at me. What was i doing sleeping on the streets, my clothes wet from yesternight rain. I couldn't find words to describe it, then i looked up i saw mama kamsyoi watching, our eyes met, she smiled and went into her room.
My throat was dry. Where is my mother was the only thing i could say. She is in the village, my dad answered.
I have so many unanswered questions. Who was that man with the kitchen knife.
Whose bodies was on the bed.
What do you think, is my house really haunted?
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