Where do broken hearts go? most times they go to hell

He was loved by all, both young and old.
Princewill was my Knight in shinning armour. He always saved me, when my classmates pranked me.
The highlight of my lifetime was when He chose me to be his girlfriend out of all the girls waiting in line for him. That I be the chosen one!?
Months turned into years. Princewill and i were together. We spent Christmas, easter, thanksgiving together. Our families knew each other. It was a match made in heaven. A rugged prince who loves adventure and a home girl.
Despite the good times every relationship has its ups and downs.
The jealousy, the anger we survived that.
Yes, we even survived long distance when we both had to go to universities in different states. He always called and texted , i never really felt his absence.
Everyone looked forward to our wedding. It was a certainty and no one not even i doubted it.
Its been roughly twenty_eight years, the traditional man will say we are betrothed.
So after the compulsory national youth service. I was looking forward to my wedding. I had secretly planned out my wedding, choosing bridesmaid and what not. I already had a wedding planner.
I went to princewills house to visit as usual. I was to spend the weekend there. I was going to ask him what the delay was. Even his parents has no idea why he was delaying the wedding..
I got to his house, prepared dinner and cleaned up the house.
You know when a lady has a secret mission, she plans it out so well.
I was waiting for princewill, what is wrong i wondered. He never works late during the weekend. I was going to call him .
Well i should wait for sometime. I laid on the couch and i dozed off.
I woke up to the bolt of the door unlocking.
What happened, was my greeting to him,
Were you waiting, he replied so concerned that i waited up so late for him.
He took me upstairs and i laid down and slept like a rock.
By morning, he already made breakfast and was hurring off to work.
Have a great day was the only thing i got chance to say before he hurried off to work.
I was going to wait up for him today, Saturday work is usually half day. I washed his clothes and cleaned up the basement.
I was relaxing with zee cinema when Princewill called.
Oh honey! i wont be able to come back on time today.
What? why? i stammered!
I still have work to do. And i cant leave it.
Cant the work wait till Monday?
No its urgent.
Are you going Home?
Yes! I said unenthusiastically.
It just sounded like he was avoiding this obvious discussion. Well i will just wait for him, i thought.
I stayed up watching real husbands of Hollywood.
Princewill came home, slightly drunk and ranting nonsense. I have never ever seen Princewill lift a bottle of alcohol. This was extremely strange.
I quickly rushed to his side. I was helping him up the stairs and he suddenly vomited on my blouse.
Oh no! I would have just left him to walk upstairs by himself. This is utterly disgusting. How can a full grown man drink and vomit.
Oh my!
Whatever made him drink was certainly serious.
I took him upstairs and undressed him while he snored like a chimpanzee.
I had a hot water bath, slept Early in the morning i prepared breakfast and left it on the table.
I went home, my sisters were waiting to hear the good news of how the proposal went. I rather was reluctant to tell them that
Princewill has started drinking.
Kelechi literally bugged me for the rest of the morning till i told her what happened and urged her not to let mum and dad know.
Immediately i said Princewill came home drunk last night, kelchi gasped and so did my mum and my two sisters eavesdropping by the door.
Everyone let themselves in. What did you do?why did he drink? Did you ask him?
Maybe you are putting too much pressure in him my mum suggested.
There was not even a single ounce of pressure. But my mum thought otherwise and told me to give him space.
What space, we were supposed to get married before this year ends.
What space, we were supposed to get married before this year ends.
I just ignored them and went to bed. 48 hours passed and Princewill didn't call. Oh yeah i was counting the hours. Considering the fact that i don't want to start work now. So i had nothing to do than to count the hours till Princewill called.
Finally when his call came, he apologised for what happened, when i asked to see him later in the day. He said he was busy.
Now you know that thing called the womans instinct. I knew there was definitely fish smell in the oven. I dressed quickly and went to princewill moms house.
I really need to find out what going on. The house was normal, with mom and dad doting over me. I was the worlds luckiest daughter in law .
Finally before i went hone. I opened up to my mother in law. There was something going on with my princewill but he has refused to open up to me.
Gobal integrated services has been a family business for over a decade. And princewill just took over from his father, so i guess the pressure from the company must be getting to him. She reassured with a loving smile.
Or do you think there is something else wrong .
Oh my i dared not voice my thoughts.
I i dont think so, i stammered.
I will talk to him, ok. Work is not a reason for him to be distant from you. I totally agree with you.
I went home feeling less nauseous than when i left.
Deep down in my guts i knew something was wrong, and i was never going to sleep well at night if i don't settle it.
I might as well give him space to talk with his mother. I second guessed. The following weekend he called.
He asked me to pack a bag for a weekend trip. Now that what i am talking about. Everyone in the house teased me about how i got all paranoid, making baseless assumptions.
Well i am glad, its just work.
We went to luxury hotels and resorts. Indeed it was special, its seemed like a planned out weekend vacation. He was all smiles and bubbly. We had great laugh and reminisced on good old days.
We talked and there were a lot if catching up to do.
Everything is going smoothly, maybe he will propose to me. Anytime i am leaving the hotel rroom i always dressed fine and kinky, now i dont want to look terrible on my suprise engagement now or do i.

Friday was special, but not as Saturday. We had workouts breakfast, sleep in. He made lunch. We went for a music show at the resort. In the night there was a gala night we attended. The night slowly ended with fireworks it was splendid.
I slept with a smile on my face and woke up on Sunday with it. He was not in bed by the time i woke up. Oh my it was late.
It was 11 am. Well its not my fault i the raz mataz of the previous night ended as late as 1 am.
I saw a note on the bed. Come down to the garden by 12.
An hour, who can dress up in an hour. We are supposed to leVe the resort by evening today so. This is it.
Oooooooooooooooo,boy . i better not be late. I dressed as quickly as i can and hurried off downstairs towards garden. I was literally jogging, when i got to the lobby, then i paused to catch my breath.
I got a to the garden, i looked for princewill amongst the people sitted there.
He was a kind of person to do something dramatic, but he wouldn literally pay off people who want to use the garden.
Well maybe it's something small. I can still live with that as long as he is proposing.
Well maybe it's something small. I can still live with that as long as he is proposing.
I got to the table he was sitted. He smiled and complimented me on my dress. Now i am glad he liked it.
He poured me a glass of wine now. Where is this headed. Just maybe i am over working myself. I need to relax and enjoy the moment.
I have something to say to you. He started. I have known you all my life and have loved you all my life too but i think that the love has faded.
I still really do like you but, my heart is with another.
Another what! I asked confused and my mind went blank
Another woman he answered seemingly frustrated at the type of questions i was asking.
So this was not a proposal but a breakup.
I was emotionless, at that instant. I stood up and left the garden. I didnt know what to do next. Neither did i worry or wonder what to do.
I got to the room. I packed my bags.
I need to leave this place. Its making me nauseous .
Princewill was standing by the door as i wheeled out my bags.
Where are you going, we are supposed to talk about this.
Talk about what. I didnt hear anything you said at the garden or now. I am going home.
I dont feel so well.
I pulled my bags and left the hotel in a taxi.
I just stared blankly into the air. What am i to do next!
Turn around i said, not even conscious of what i said.
Madam what did you say
I yelled turn around, he swayed the car swiftly as if the car was obeying the command.
Back to the resort i said.
We got to the resort.
Wait for me in the car. Keep it running.
I went to the reception, oh madam thought you went home. The adorable receptionist asked. Leave your opinions to yourself i thought.
Do you know where the guy i came with is at
He is at the garden, she replied.
I walked briskly to the garden, hoping to give princewill a piece of my mind.
As I got there, he was sitting with a girl smiling sheepishly at her. I remember the last time princewill smiled at me that way.
She was touching his hand.
Oh my that the hoe( i thought)
She was in the same resort with me, this was all a scam to butter me up and dump me.
How foolish i was i thought.
My eyes met with princewill, he stood up and the hoe turned,
Do i recognize that face from anywhere.
How did she even creep into a perfect relationship. How did she?
Does she know how he sleeps at night when he cold, what his allergies are, does she even know what his favourite food is! Or how he hates eating onion.
I stood rotted to thef ground, princewill stood up walking towards me, i turned and briskly walked away grom there.
I yelled at the cab man you drive away from here.
Hell has no fury for a woman who has been scorned. I have
been despised beyond recognition.
This cannot happen to me, i was all happy and kinky, now my whole world has crashed and crumbled.
Where do i go from here, there is no place i can see myself going without my princewill. I am lost without him.
I got home, devastated, i couldn't even put up a show with my family.
I just broken down in tears as i lamented my ordel.
What he did was so cruel, butter you up and then break the terrible news to you. My small sister said. Exactly my dear.
They all tried consoling me but how can i bear the sham, the pain and agony of losing him. He was my life.
How can i ever start all over again with another person. This is too cruel for someone who has known princewill for quute a while.

Its been 3 days and I havent left my room, i eat and drink whatever they bring if i feel like eating it. I told my mom to ask princewill to come and see me. But according to my mom, he refused,that he was busy with work. My dad came back from his travels and when he was briefed on what was happening. My dad became so angry,
Why will he treat you with so much disdain. Did you do anything he asked? I didn't father.
My dad left the room, vicious.
Few minutes later, Victoria entered the room.. Daddy called princewill father.
Oh boy!
Xina group of companies, is a conglomerate company that deals with importation of various goods into the country from automobiles, textiles, beverages, furniture clothea and among others. My dad is one of the 5 major stakeholders in this conglomerate.
Global integrated service was just a small company that deals in Haulage of goods on the shipping dock. But when i met princewill in primary 2,

So princewill father is indebted to my dad. Well i hope his father
can fix this issue.
The next morning princewill and his parents came to the house.
I was evasdropping through the curtains.
My fathers anger did not pass through the next. He even woke up more angry than yesterday.
He skipped all the pleasantries,
What did jovita do? My dad asked princewill.
Why is he sounding like i did something, that is making him act this way.
What did she do, i ask.
She didn't do anything, i could feel princewill voice trembling behind that answer.
So what made you change your mind.
I want you to speak up about what happened.
Since both your parents and i have no idea what is happening.
I am listening, you better speak up young man.
Princewill trembled. I have never seen him so afraid. Jovita didn't do anything, i just don't want to be with her anymore. I love somonelse.
And you just discovered that you can't be with her anymore or its an over night flu that you just woke up on, my father asked with disgust.
I i i he stammered
Do you know that the fate of your company depends on the decision, you are making right now.
You would give up your company and over 18 years of family friendship just for this girl.
I just hope its worth it.
Princewill's dad chipped in, these are just children frivolities, please don't let this after a company i have built with my sweat.
Please sir!
Princewill is not even bugging, even with his father kneeling begging for his inheritance. He just sat there dumb, face down like a weakling.
This sight is so disgusting. I stood up from where i was evasdropping and walked away.
For a second i found out that the person i was crying for and willing to die for was a weakling who cannot even defend what he loves.
The thought that he would give up his inheritance for that girl.
Marked both of them for vengeance.
Marked both of them for vengeance.
Where do broken hearts go, mine just went to hell.
I wiped my years determined to teach princewill and that girl a grave lesson for messing with me.
The my new vendetta, made me all fun and happy. Everyone in the house expressed there concern but i argued i was fine.
My dad was glad that i was back to myself.
I urged him that i come and work at the company.
He agreed boredom was a bad choice for me right now.
He agreed boredom was a bad choice for me right now.
But he insisted that i left town for a while, to a new place more of like a vacation. Yea right he booked the flight and gave me papers for my new school he already applied for a master programme
in business administration for me.
in business administration for me.
Well, a vacation is a good idea while i focus in my studies.
I left for Manchester university on 3rd September 2013. Hoping to put my past experience behind me.
I left for Manchester university on 3rd September 2013. Hoping to put my past experience behind me.
I made new Friends, saw new places. It seem i would forget princewill, but most of the places i saw reminded me of him, reminded me of how he scorned me.
18 months pass rather quickly, i has fun in Manchester city and it was finally time to go. I packed my bags and headed home, unknown to what i will face.
I got home to a grand welcome, friends, family and well wishers.
My dad welcomed me with a key to an office as the c. E. O of xina conglomerate. Seem like my life was back on track.
I was celebrating for so many days. So i decided to redecorate my room as the new c. E. O in town. I packed out all the junk in my room.
I packed out old albums, cds and pictures. Everyone has gone out that morning. So i decided to watch the cds. The cds were far back as 2003,hmmm.
I sat down in the sitting room and watch these cds.
Princewill insisted we made videos of our happy times. I was really happy in these cds i thought. Oh well i will just erase the data or probably burn the cds.
I stood up with the cartoon of cd and old pictures. Something fell off.
This cd looked different. Our wedding was on it.
I slot it, wasnt enthusiastic about the content either. It started off as when princewill was urging me to go ahead with the vows.

A sudden pain rose in my heart. Years flowed freely as i sat there dumb founded watching the video.
I heard the gates open, i pull out the cd from the player. I hid it
and burnt the rest of the cd.
I resumed work the following Monday. I was determined to give it my best shot. A lot of people struggle to get to my position, but i wasnt given this position because of my dad, so i ought to work for it.
The first paper on my table was Global integrated services. I shoved the file and continued with my job. My first day at work is not about to be spoilt by some princewill madness.
Weeks later, work was going on fine. I made some suggestions at work which has helped in the recent development in our business circle and i was applauded for it by the stakeholders.
I was sitting in my office after the stakeholders meeting. Somone walked in. i froze this was the first time i was seeing him, after the official meltdown at the garden.
He acted casually, he asked for his file. That the Secretary said i was still with it. And if i was going to append my signature on it. He rather give it to my father to do it.
I couldn't find the right words to say. I bent down and brought out the files and he picked it up and left. Slamming the door against my face.
There is no way this guy is getting away with what he just did.
The next couples of days i did the statistical evaluation of Global integrated service in relation to the conglomerate.
Bamm. That was the answer. I called in my secretary on friday asking about princewill 414.
Oh yeah she layed it down like it was. My dad was cutting him slack on his turnover points due to family relationships. Well i saw that when i did the statistical analysis.
Tell me something new i urged her.
Tell me something new i urged her.
She rolled her eyeball and gave the gist of the century.
Princewill was getting married to the girl (the one who ruined my perfect relationship with princewill).
But the spice the story was that it was not for love.
The girl in question was rumoured to be affliated with the legendary ketu king.
The girl in question was rumoured to be affliated with the legendary ketu king.
Ketu king was a philanthropist who was known to be one of the richest in Africa he died in a plane crash with his son and his sons wife.
So the girl was the sole inheritor of that massive wealth.
I be dammed
I be dammed
So all my dramatic heart break was all for money.
Now that the latest juiciest scoop of this century.
I got a copy of the wedding card from the Secretary. The wedding was close at hand.
I got a copy of the wedding card from the Secretary. The wedding was close at hand.
I just have a month.
I passed my analysis and conclusions on Global integrated service to the stakeholders, there were in agreement that they were no longer worth doing business with.
The ties were cut off. But I urged the chairman's secretary to email the verdict of the stakeholders on 29th may 2014 that was the morning of their wedding.
Then i paid princewill a visit. Its been close to 2 years and he is rather living too affluent i suggested. He waved it off.
He served my mango juice,. Well that used to be my favourite drink but i prefer orange juice these days.
He served my mango juice,. Well that used to be my favourite drink but i prefer orange juice these days.
I went on about how i misunderstood him and over reacted during
the break up. He was excited that i was seeing things his way. I told him that i knew about the wedding and i was coming to wish him well.
Well that was his lucky day or that was what he thought. We chatted about old times and giggle and i left for home.
A selfish and ungrateful person that what he was was my thoughts throughout the week.
Barely a week of my August visit i called him for a friendly lunch. He was super excited about it. He asked me to meet up with him where he was picking up his tuxedo for the wedding. I agreed!
We had a drink while waiting for the designer then i asked the obvious questions why was he marrying the girl. He bulrted out the whole thing as if i gave him truth serum to drink. Now considering the fact that i got everything on tape. Today was my lucky day.
I picked out the perfect cloth for this wedding.
I picked out the perfect cloth for this wedding.
I called him on the eve of the wedding asking him if he was having the wediding jitters and cold feet. He was all confident and all.
I wished him well oh did i?
It was the perfect wedding. There own personal priest to solemnised the wedding. Well that was my wedding plan i thought. People tropped in turns and droves. I was beginning to doubt if i will be able to pull this off. I made arrangements with the technical guy. There were in for some rude awakening .

I sat at the last pew as the wedding soleminzation kicked in. It was rather too slow.
The preist went on and on about how they were bound by live forever and ever till death do them apart....
I was bored sick of the excessive sermon.
Then the the priest slowly got to the interesting part
Does anyone have anything against this marriage speak now or
forever hold your peace.
Slowly the techician pulled up a video were prince will was urging me to say the marriage vows. I told him it was fake and i didnt want to. He insisted that the priest was genuine. He was ordianded by the church of Apostolic Message.
We dressed and stood and said the vows. That was five years ago.
We promised that we were bounded in life and death. That no on would ever tear is apart.
The bride fainted, as she was rushed out of the wedding hall. We could see the blood dripping through her gown.
Oh boy... Maybe i have gone too far
What do you think.? News later came around that she lost her pregnancy due to shock of the news. Princewill didnt even know she was pregnant for him.
He woke up in his runied wedding morning with an email that his company has folded.
Where do broken hearts go, mosttimes they go to hell.
My vendetta cost princewill his business, reputation and everything he ever was in this city. But maybe i was too cruel... But he deserved it he was marrying the girl for money everyone saw that too on the video.
What a sad day!
Hmmm, wat a story I guess she went 2 far thou