I was so pissed. But i decided to wait.... There will probably be a good reason for him to keep me waiting.
I waited. I got to luxury resorts by 5pm i had waited for 3 hours already.
I was becoming impatient.
I was becoming impatient.
I stood up to go, then uche showed up from no where. I was extremely pissed but i manged to stomach my frustration.
Where have you been?!
I have been around,
Around where?!
In this resort!
What is the meaning of that?
What is the meaning of that?
I have been watching you to see what you will do.
Rumours are making waves that you are dating kitan.
His voice was over the roof tops. People around were beginning to stare.
Its not true i said calmly, lowering my tone of my voice.
But he screamed on top of his voice. He was raining abuses on me, how i was so cheap and following a spoilt rich brat all because of his money. He called me all sorts of name.
But he screamed on top of his voice. He was raining abuses on me, how i was so cheap and following a spoilt rich brat all because of his money. He called me all sorts of name.
I was perplexed, indeed that was the right word to describe my confusion.
He invited me here just to see if i will hang out with kitan, when i didn't he is raining abuses on me.
I just stood up to go, and he pushed me back into my seat.
Uche was standing right in front of me, yelling on top of his voice at me and he just pushed me.
I was just frustrated. I pulled the seat back. I stood up. Please i want to go away from here you are embarrassing me.
He raised up his palm and doused my face with a nasty slap.
That sent the jingle bells in my ears ringing.
That sent the jingle bells in my ears ringing.
I was just rooted to the ground.
I was confused, perplexed and any other words you can use to describe my woes.
I was confused, perplexed and any other words you can use to describe my woes.
Suddenly! someone jerked me off from where i was rooted and pulled me outside.
It was already a despicable scene.
I was glad that this person saved me. I looked at him and it was kitan.
What are you doing here? I asked him.
What type of a woman are you? How can you be disrespected by that he-goat yet you stood there. Do you have no shame.
I have never seen someone so angry and furious before.
What are you doing here? I asked him.
What type of a woman are you? How can you be disrespected by that he-goat yet you stood there. Do you have no shame.
I have never seen someone so angry and furious before.
He scolded me for over 5 minutes. Heaven knows i had no idea what the hell he was saying. I was day dreaming how kitan was so cute in that moment defending yet scolding me.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.
He clapped in my face. Oh. I was already lost day dreaming after being hassled by uche.
He took me to his house. I had my bath, took a nap and woke up to a sumptuous meal.
It was my favourite. We ate but he was still annoyed with me as to what happened.
I didnt really care. It was just a bad day but didnt end as horrible as i thought.
I went home and told my sisters. They all relished the pain i went through and was not quiet happy that it was kitan that saved me.
Kitan is synonymous with trouble.
Kitan is synonymous with trouble.
If daddy hears about this you are finished. Blessing said.
Who will tell him. We all enjoy kitans company.
We were all guilty and no one will tell dad.
The next morning uche sent me a werid text. He was threatening fire and brimstone. If i dont come back to him.
He is insane, and obviously mad.
I ignored his calls and text message.
Blessing, chioma and i spent most of the evening at kitans house.
He travelled to Enugu. So we turned the house in a festive get away.
He travelled to Enugu. So we turned the house in a festive get away.
We practically did everything there and went home to sleep.
Oh i never told you what i did for a living.
I was a student at Abia State Polythenic Aba Abia State . I was in department of Agriculture Economics . I was in my final year. Blessing was in first year and the same department at the same school. And chioma just took her senoir school certificate examination.
We were only 3 girls in my house.
So when i say we took over kitans house. We literally did.
On Sunday, my dad insisted that we stayed indoors. He was complaining that we spend too much time outside the house and it doesn't show good up bringing.
On Sunday, my dad insisted that we stayed indoors. He was complaining that we spend too much time outside the house and it doesn't show good up bringing.
So we were chilling.
My mother decide that she was going to cook and chioma was helping her out. So blessing and i were in the palour watching my dads favourite tv series the edge of paradise.
Then chioma came in to the parlour screaming. Mommy has fainted, what is she saying. We all ran to the kitchen. My mother was lying lifeless on the floor.
My dad carried her into the car and picked his car keys and drove off. We knew where he was headed. I closed the door and we rushed to general hospital. It was the only hospital close to our vicinity.

I was confused.
My mother just came back from church and insisted that she prepared the Sunday rice. What could possibly be wrong with her.
We had already waited for over 2 hours and there have been no news yet. Kitan was calling.
It was wrong timing. I switched off my phone.
We waited for few minutes more, then we saw kitan. We were at the hospital.
It was wrong timing. I switched off my phone.
We waited for few minutes more, then we saw kitan. We were at the hospital.
He was asking, what are you doing here?I was asking how did you
find me. I was at your house
Your neighbours said your mom collapsed and I rushed here. How is she?!
No news yet.
He waited with us. We came to the hospital around 12 pm and it was already 4pm the doctor came out from the operating room. He called my father and they both went to the office.
We waited for What seemed like eternity.
Then my dad came out of the doctors office shaking like never before.
My dad was terror for each and everyone of us, both in our family, the compound and at church. He was a no-nonsense person . And has no time to joke around or giggle with anyone. He was always mean. But to see him in this type of situation. We thought our mother had died.
Kitan was the person that walked up to him and held him. And lead him to the bench we were sitting on. He let out the news like a sheep out of a bag.
The doctor said you mother has Quadriplegia,
what?! we all echoed.
Chioma does not even know the meaning of the word and she was already weeping profusely.
What?! I shouted and my dad gave me a wicked look. As to why,
are you still asking me what again.
Kitan now chipped in, but what did the doctor say about treatment. He said, she will undergo a major operation at india if we can afford it.
When blessing asked, but we can afford it right. My dad just stood up from the bench and left the reception.
I was the first daughter and i understood what my parents were going through as civil servants. They are owing them 3 months salary. How in the world will they afford it.
I had no money, no job and no way of helping my family.
We went to the ward my mother was kept. She was fast asleep. My dad told us to go home.
We went to the ward my mother was kept. She was fast asleep. My dad told us to go home.
Kitan took us home. chioma and blessing were crying all through .
I just sat there gazing into space, wondering where I am going to get 3 million naira for my mothers operation.
Kitan dropped us at home and he insisted he will stay with us that night.
So he consoled blessing and chioma till they slept. I was still awake in the palour counting all my life savings, cursing myself for buying that new gown last week.
My savings didnt even scratch the surface.
I was desperate.
Kitan came into the parlour. I wasnt in the mood to talk. Its going to be alright was the only thing he said and slept off, using the blanket i gave him to cover his legs and he slept on the sofa.
I was done, i decided i will go out tomorrow and look for a job or where to borrow money from. I went into my room and slept. We woke to the screams of someone shouting.
What is wrong we all ran into the parlour. I saw a flying cockroach.
Because of cockroach you are jumping like this and you are standing on my dads favourite sofa. Just come down quickly. I cant sleep here again.
Because of cockroach you are jumping like this and you are standing on my dads favourite sofa. Just come down quickly. I cant sleep here again.
Then he said he was going to sleep in his car.
But we convinced him and all of us slept in the parlour.
We woke up around 7 am the next morning. Kitan was already cooking rice. Chioma woke up and complaining that her head was aching her. I was confused. I dressed up to go out and look for job. Then kitan called me back.
He asked where i was going and i told him.
He asked... Will they pay you 3 million there in 3 weeks?
No one, i answered!
But i have to do something. I feel so helpless.
Hmmm. That was all he said.
Lets go to the hospital and give your father food first before you go job hunting. He went home, showered and came back and took us to hospital.
When we got to the hospital. I asked my father if he had plans as to how to go about the money. But he was more confused than i was. Kitan left for his business. I left to cynthias house.
When i got there and narrated my experience, she was so moved. I asked her to borrow me money, then she told me how broke she was.
When i got there and narrated my experience, she was so moved. I asked her to borrow me money, then she told me how broke she was.
Then she suggested the craziest idea. One night stand we both go in together, drug the victim and steal the money. I just watched her as she played out the crime scene for me. When she was through i just stood up and left.
After walking round the whole Aba but to no avail on that day i retired home hungry , tired and exhausted.
No company or firm needed another worker . No shop needed a saleslady.
I was beginning to think someone was responsible
for my predicament.
I got home and i met no one.
Oh they were at the hospital i thought. I had my bath and dressed for the hospital.
Oh they were at the hospital i thought. I had my bath and dressed for the hospital.
When i got there kitan was already there too and my mother was awake.
I rushed to my mothers side.
Mummy i called!
She answered, i was glad she could still talk.
So why is everyone not entirely tensed about the situation we are in.i asked
Every one go outside my father said, chidinma stay behind. Everyone left the room. Then a text message came into my phone . I told him my name is tochi from isi ala mbano.
What is the meaning of this, why will kitan send this type of text.
My fathet barked, put away that phone. So i did.
Where do you know that young man from.
Oh, armm mmm, what do i say now.
Oh, armm mmm, what do i say now.
That text message. Oh
Daddy his name is tochi and his from mbano.
I know, chioma already told me that.
Daddy his name is tochi and his from mbano.
I know, chioma already told me that.
He is just a friend.
A man cannot be just a friend, you know i dont support boyfriend rubbish.
Or does he want to marry you.
A man cannot be just a friend, you know i dont support boyfriend rubbish.
Or does he want to marry you.
No sir, he is just a friend.
Why i am asking is that he said he will take care of the hospital bill.
What! I said shocked.
Then i tried to calm down.
What do want to do. I asked my dad.
It all depends on you. he replied.
If you say he is a good person that we can trust, then I will collect the money
You of all people know how desperately we need this money.
I see how he is with the 3 of you.
I see how he is with the 3 of you.
Did he say how we will pay him back. NO he didn't, my dad answered.
My mom stirred on the bed and we helped her sit up.
I think i have seen that boys face somewhere.
What my mother was about to cause trouble now. If my dad even found out about kitan. He would rather die than collect his money.
What my mother was about to cause trouble now. If my dad even found out about kitan. He would rather die than collect his money.
Mummy please rest, did anyone ask you to recognise anyone. Please rest.
The following weeks were uneventful. Then on 23 april 2013, my mom, dad and kitan went to india.
My dad called us frequently and we told our pastor at the church. So every one put my mom in prayers. God was so faithful, the sugery was successful. I was glad.
Throughout out there stay at india kitan never called me. Well i am not saying he is mandated to call, i argued with blessing and chioma.
They stayed there for over 1 month. Then one Friday, my dad called they were coming back. We were excited to see them again.
When they came back it was so joyous more than Christmas. We did a mini celebration.
My father so much thank kitan, he knew as tochi. And promised he was indebted to him.
It was fun. We cooked and eat and it was really fun time.
It was fun. We cooked and eat and it was really fun time.
Kitan was not happy with me, he argued that through out they 3 weekshe stay in india i never called him.
I called your normal line. It was going through. And for the hotel line. It was my dad that uses it to call. You could have just collected it and spoke to me. I replied in my defense
But once he is annonyed, even if he is wrong, just know that you are wrong. I kept on apolozing. He said my punishment was that i will cook for him and watch him it eat.
I made a delicious okro soup, the soup was too sweet as i sat ther watching him eat. I was salivating. He finished the entire eba all by himself.
What a wicked fellow i thought.
What a wicked fellow i thought.
Life was fair to me, to us as a family i wasn't complaining but i had no love life.
I liked kitan way too much than i can explain but he didn't seem to notice the affection.
I liked kitan way too much than i can explain but he didn't seem to notice the affection.
So on this day, i was at his house. We were playing monopoly. So i stole one of his cards. He chased me all round the house. I stumbled and fell on the sofa and he lay on top of me.
I knew this was the moment i have been waiting for. The smell of his deodorant filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. He lay there so still.
You are denting this sofa stand up quickly, he shouted at me, took the card and went back to the table.
I felt so embarrassed. I thought he liked me. Well am not his type anyways.
I left for my house, determined to get a boyfriend, well i wasnt entirely sure if its to make kitan jealous or if its because i wanted a boyfriend.
I and cynthia went out on sunday. She said if we both sit at that pilot hotel garden for one hour.a guy must approach us. I cant believe i am betting my love life on cynthia predictions.
The bar man brought 2 bottles of maltina for us. I cant believe one malt coats 400 Naira.
Bia whats inside the malt i wanted to argue with the bar man. Cynthia pinched me.
I was vexed.
I was vexed.
Few minutes later a tall handsome guy walked up to us. Seriously cynthia has nothing on me, but whenever we go out. She is the one that guys usually approach. It was just weird that the guy wanted to tlak to me.
Cynthia excused herself to use the bathroom.
I had a pretty much intersting conversation with the guy. He was in town for official business. It was to last for a month. He wanted me to be his tour guide.
Fancy and the guy was fine.
I had a pretty much intersting conversation with the guy. He was in town for official business. It was to last for a month. He wanted me to be his tour guide.
Fancy and the guy was fine.
You know when you say a guy is fine. He is fine ooo.
I accepted and we exchanged numbers. Cynthia came out and asked me to stand up lets go.
Bia my 400 malt is not even half. I go now where.
What happened, i saw of my magas here. I told him i went to ghana.
Find bottle let me pour this malt or else you go home alone.
What she was shocked at my statement.
But i sat down firmly. I move no inche.
Ok i will buy malt from mama nkemji own for you.
Hhahaha babe its not the same thing oo. This malt is 400.
Zara is that you? A tall dark weird guy called out.
Now i knew cynthia wasnt joking.
I forgot my malt.
Now i knew cynthia wasnt joking.
I forgot my malt.
Hello, zara he called again.
Hy, Good afternoon, do i know you from anywhere.
She spoke in foreign British accent that made my jaws drop as i stared at her. Mehn those acting classes where not in vain. She has assumed a role. Now i wasnt going to miss the award if best supporting actress.
Yea do we know you, i chipped in.
By the time i knew that line was wrong. Cynthia steepedsteeped on my toes and eyed me.
Oh ok wrong line. I sat down back and kept looking.
Its me, steve from lagos.
Its me, steve from lagos.
My name is zaragoza, my close friends call me zara. But i know no steve from lagos. I just came back into the country.this is my small cousin taking me around.
Me, small cousin, its my turn to step on her.
You came in from ghana right, hell no she shouted shocked.
You came in from ghana right, hell no she shouted shocked.
Where is ghana she continued in her fake British accent.
I studied at yala university, my parents stay at Italy and this is my first time in Nigeria.
I was watching afrinolly real life. I was suprised beyond human thinking.
Ok its nice to meet you zara.
My off now, she said grabbed her bags and headed straight for the gate.
I was still lost as to how she came up with the name zaragoza.
You little girl, come quickly! She said with her werid accent. As she catwalk like a vs model.
I was amazed.
Once we were outside the hotel i laughed more than a mad man.
Once we were outside the hotel i laughed more than a mad man.
Shey i tell you make we waka leave that place you they there the talk about malt. That was when i remembered i forgot my malt.
I laughed hysterical.
I laughed hysterical.
The next weekend that fine boy i told you about called. We went out and we hit myal favourite suya spot in town and had a blast. When i got home, my dad asked me if i knew kitan was sick.
No body told me, your phone was switched off. I had no idea. The next morning i went to the hospital were he was admitted.
The nurse said i was not allowed to see him.
Ha why i asked,
He said he doesn't want to see you, chidinma.
That anyone that comes here bearing chidinma he doesnt want to see that person.
That anyone that comes here bearing chidinma he doesnt want to see that person.
That guy is just so full of himself, i will just go home. I sat down in the reception. It was a private ward. So his own room has a reception for those who came to see him. The tv there had afri nolly. So i was watching one of mercy Johnson movies.
The nurse went inside and came out with a note.
He said to give it you.
"where did you go yesterday "
Should I really reply this. I thought, what kind of madness is this one.
"i went out with cynthia"..
" i told you i dont like that girl, and you still hang around town with her, where did two of you go to".
I read it and held it back. If he needs answers, then he should ask me face to face.
Do u know i stayed there, he never came out, neither did he let me in.
It was already afternoon, i was hungry, so i left and went home to eat.
The next day when i came back. I saw that fine boy i hung out with at that suya joint.
What was he doing here. I greeted him, we exchanged pleasantries.
Who did you come to see at the hospital.
My friend kitan is his name. I froze.
He saw the surprise in my face. He told me to sit down.
He saw the surprise in my face. He told me to sit down.
I was shocked, so i sat down. My feet was already gittering, who know what he wants to say.
Kitan sent me to you!
He was stalking me kwa. I don turn celebrity.
He was stalking me kwa. I don turn celebrity.
He started of, as how kitan was in love with
Me, but has too much pride to admit it.
So instead of me meeting another guy, he invited him.
I felt like going inside that room and slapping him.
But this sickness is not real. I feel like he is faking it.
I have been here for past two days, but he has refused to see me.
Is he suffering from AIDS.
I have been here for past two days, but he has refused to see me.
Is he suffering from AIDS.
What! I think he is too embarrassed to face. With all these his strong man attitude, he is embrassed.
I barged into the room .. He was so fast asleep. The nurse came in.
At least let me talk yo him i pleaded with her.
Ok but he is sedated.
No problem.
It was like talking to a dead man. He laid there motionless.
Kitan,kitan i called. But he didn't answer. I pinched his arm.
I love you from the first day i set my eyes on you. Though i hated your guts. You are act like the world was your own. But soon as i got close to you.
I found out you too were human.
I love you, but i dont get why it is so difficult for you to say. You are so full of your self.
But i still love you.
I love you, but i dont get why it is so difficult for you to say. You are so full of your self.
But i still love you.
When you wake up, i wont even talk to you . I just hope you get well soon.
I pushed him and turned to leave, he held my arm and pulled me to him.
I pushed him and turned to leave, he held my arm and pulled me to him.
I lay on his chest, then he wisphered into my ears. I promise to always stay by your side.
Now that was deep. I stood up and stared at him lieing there.
The walls which barricaded my heart from the woes of men fell apart.
I laid down on the hospital bed with him and he told me this werid hospital joke, that sent me cranking with laughter.
When ever i am with him, time seem to stop. The war in my mind seize. And i am so peaceful.

So i called my dad, he was fine with the idea. Kitan was more like a son to him.
The next day, he was discharged from the hospital, so he insisted we went to our house first so he will see my mom.
When we arrived, he went straight to the room he was discussing with my mom.my mom was all better now. The sugrey was successful, she now needed physiotherapy, then she will start walking properly.
I was in the kitchen. Then we heard people shouting in the room. KiaKitan and i came out yyto meet kitans mother yelling at my father.
Tell you daughter to leave my son alone.
What, you are even here with them in their house.
My dad was surprised, kitans name was tochi. He didn't understand what waawas happening.
My dad was surprised, kitans name was tochi. He didn't understand what waawas happening.
His mom insisted that she will leave with the son. So kitan left with her.
My dad went ballistic on me. He was screaming and yelling. Why did you let those youruba people into our luveslives . Kitan is a good boy but his mother is a Mini devil. You have to cut ties with him.
Since you even said you are just friends with him. He never said anything about marriage right . So this so much easier. Cut ties with him.
How can you say something like that, my mother chipped in, that boy saved my life, he entirely has nothing to do with any of this.
We as a family are not cutting ties with him.
We as a family are not cutting ties with him.
We didn't see kitan for two weeks and his phone was switched off.
I was beginning to wonder what was wrong, he stopped talking to me because his mother threatened him. Well i will just forget about him. Easier said than done. My days went rather too slow. I lost the zeal to go out and have fun. I was just indoors.
So one day chioma literally dragged me out of the house. We went to luxury resorts. It was kitans favourite stop in town. I was wishing i see him one last time and i was wishing he see me and how i have pretended to move on.
My heart was just aching. It was beating unnecessarily fater. Please let go to another place i tried to convince chioma.
Then kitans friend showed up. You remember him. That fine boy that he set me up with.
Oh yeah, its that one.
Oh yeah, its that one.
What are you doing he he asked me.
Just hanging out.
Follow me, he said.
Come this way please.
We entered the elevator. Did i say it was my first time, oh yeah i felt whozzy.
Who the hell invented elevators.
Who the hell invented elevators.
We got to the 10th floor. The first door on your right.
Why should i go there.
He is waiting for you.
He is waiting for you.
At thatinstant it felt like all my blood was rushing yo my head. I couldn't think clearly.
What was i going to say. He hasn't talked to me for over two weeks. The door bell of the elevator dinged.
I walked towards the door.
What ever kept me from going in. The fear that he would no longer be by my side.
Its best i am angry, he hasn't talked to me. Than listen to him tell me, he no longer wants to continue with the relationship.
I turned back and left.
I pushed the elevator button. It felt like an endless wait.
Love is supposed to be painful. If you can't bear the pains of love then you do not deserve to be loved.
Kitans voice pierced my heart.
I turned there he was standing with this black, clean tuxedo. He was definitely dressed for an occasion.
I stood rooted to the ground. The elevator opened.
Here is your chance, run now or stay with me. I do not promise to take away the pain. But i promise to never leave your side.
I was just dumbfounded. The elevator door closed. I walked to him. And he hugged me so tightly that i had to force myself free.
Where the heck have you been these past weeks.
I was planning my wedding.
I was planning my wedding.
We walked into the room and there was this girl dressed up in a wedding gown.
Welcome chidinma, she said.
My mother is forcing me to marry her or else i will lose all my inheritance.
So we both decided the joke was on her.
We both have other people we love.
So, the wedding was fixed but i wont be the groom.
So we both decided the joke was on her.
We both have other people we love.
So, the wedding was fixed but i wont be the groom.
Why didn't you tell me,
You are already having second thoughts because I didnt speak to you for 2 weeks.
If i you i was getting married, yiu would have probably died.
Why didn't you tell me,
You are already having second thoughts because I didnt speak to you for 2 weeks.
If i you i was getting married, yiu would have probably died.
Am not that chicken hearted.
We are going for the wedding. But i am not dressed for the wedding.
I have got that all planned out.
He gave me this gorgeous gown.
I have got that all planned out.
He gave me this gorgeous gown.
Am off to the church, see you there. He left.
I wore the gown and the bride dressed me up, she was such a nice girl.
I envied her.
I wore the gown and the bride dressed me up, she was such a nice girl.
I envied her.
She told me her story as she applied make up on my face. She was in love with a sweet guy but he is not as rich as her family wants. So they are forcing her to marry kitan.
We entered the church, kitan stood in as the groom. I had no idea what they planned but i knew my kitan wasnt marrying her.
Then i saw chioma, she sat on a sit in front of me. I pinched her, so you knew about this plan. Well you decided never to leave the house.
The wedding ceremony started. Everything was going normal. But not normal for me, kitan was still answeing the groom.
I sat patiently.
When it was time for the vows. The bride stood up with the chief bridesmaid and then kitan stood up with another guy. The couple faced the altar.
The girl said her vows. Then when it was time for the guy.
When it was time for the vows. The bride stood up with the chief bridesmaid and then kitan stood up with another guy. The couple faced the altar.
The girl said her vows. Then when it was time for the guy.
The other guy said the vows.
People started murming in the pews.
Quiet this is the house of God. The priest exclaimed.
By the power vested in my as a priest of the almighty i declare both of you husband and wife. Then the other guy turned and faced the crowd holding the bride in his hand.
The brides mother had a heart attack. The choir started singing music filled the whole church as peope congratulated them and other went away.
The reception is still the same venue. A voice from the microphone said. We are now going to sign the marriage register.
The reception is still the same venue. A voice from the microphone said. We are now going to sign the marriage register.
People kept on murming and clapping in amazement.
I searched the crowd for kitan. Then my eyes met with kitans mother. She looked at me with such an animosity that i thought i was going to die.
I didnt see kitan. Chioma and kiatans friend came and pulled me away. Where is kitan i asked.
He told me to give you this.
He hailed a cab for us. We got inside and went home. .
Is this a letter?
Who writes letters these days.
It is a love letter, maybe where you should met him.
Who writes letters these days.
It is a love letter, maybe where you should met him.
Immediately i got into the room i ripped open the letter.
Something fell of from it.
A gold necklace. It was so beautiful. I tried it on.
The sat properly to read my love letter.
A gold necklace. It was so beautiful. I tried it on.
The sat properly to read my love letter.
But alas, it was a love letter
If dave gave you letter that means we successful pulled off the wedding stunt. But my mother is more dangerous than you know.
So in this letter is a necklace, to remind you of my love for you, a cheque of 1 million Naira.
So in this letter is a necklace, to remind you of my love for you, a cheque of 1 million Naira.
I went to london to complete my studies. I will be for 2 years.
My mother will come after you. So use the money wisely.
I love you
From kitan ..
I love you
From kitan ..
I sat down on my bed just wondering, what next from now.
So now i wait. I was waiting with a letter, a necklaces and a promise never to leave my side.
So many unanswered questions.
So now i wait. I was waiting with a letter, a necklaces and a promise never to leave my side.
So many unanswered questions.
Chioma came into the room amd read the letter. She too was confused. This wasnt part of the plan.
I had the worst slepless night ever. I played out a different scenes in my mind.
The next morning we woke up to a quit notice by the landlord.
We have always been at peace with this man. Why is he threatening us all of a sudden.
Its that wicked woman was all my father said.
We have always been at peace with this man. Why is he threatening us all of a sudden.
Its that wicked woman was all my father said.
The ultimatum was to leave within 48 hours. Every body start parking your things.
I was baffled as to how my father accepted it.
I was baffled as to how my father accepted it.
We packed our bags. My father called a friend of his that plys the route to our village.
He packed all our furniture and heavy things to the village. We were just left with our bags.
He packed all our furniture and heavy things to the village. We were just left with our bags.
We headed out. We went to my pastors house.
We spent the night there.
We spent the night there.
Kitans friend: dave called me. In the night, were ar you at. We are at our pastors house. We were ejected from there.
What! That woman is too extreme.
Oh text me the adress. I will see you in the morning.
When he came in the morning.
My dad insisted he wanted nothing to do with kitan or anyone associated with kitan.
When he came in the morning.
My dad insisted he wanted nothing to do with kitan or anyone associated with kitan.
We moved from one pastors house to another. Then my parents decided to relocate back to the village.
I and my two other sisters were now left in the city.
We rented a room close to the school premises. We attended lectures from there. I defended my project successfully.
I had fears that she might want to tamper with my school work.
We rented a room close to the school premises. We attended lectures from there. I defended my project successfully.
I had fears that she might want to tamper with my school work.
I was posted to ctoss river for my national youth service.

My love come these babies are crying.
Please allow her to eat well first before she can breastfeed the babies, kitans motherasjed
So my children wont eat again, is that what you are saying.
My father came in what are you people arguing about this morning.
Kitan started narrating what happened to my father.
Kitan started narrating what happened to my father.
I sat there trying to remember how it all started.
How our families are here together today because our we survived against the odds of culture, family background, distance, difference in socila class.
How our families are here together today because our we survived against the odds of culture, family background, distance, difference in socila class.
My mother must be feeling so proud in heaven.
But am sad, she didn't get to see the smile on our faces as we celebrate my lovely twins.
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