Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Continuation on the summary of rich dad, poor dad

 The second set of the summary of rich dad poor dad

Chapter 6: The Rich Invent Money

Robert emphasized that everyone is born with the talent needed for him to excel in life but due to self doubt people don’t usually go far. He stresses that the people that are successful are not essentially the smart ones but those who are bold enough to take the necessary steps.

Here the issue of education was brought up, In Roberts words a trained mind is a rich mind.

So but Robert says even if you can’t acquire all the knowledge required, you should pay those who have these knowledge to work for you. He also described that an educated man investment is different from an uneducated man investment.

Chapter 7: Work to Learn, Don’t Work For Money

Robert in this chapter listed some of the necessary skills required for financial success. Here he mentioned sales and marketing skills.

 Management skills- management skills here include knowledge of the cash flow quadrant, systems and people.

 Communications skills here are also necessary. And finally every rich man is a giver as opposed to the poor man that saves up and hopes to give when he gets more. Robert emphasized on giving and its importance

Chapter 8: Overcoming Obstacles

Robert filled this chapter with different illustrations ranging from Texans logo of (when they win , they win big but when they lose its spectacular) to the chicken little that ran through the forest screaming on how the sky is falling. He described here on how to deal with pessimism.

And he also listed the various obstacles faced by men on the path to success which include fear, cynicism, arrogance, laziness and bad habits. He also explained the act and healthiness of greed.

Chapter 9: Getting Started

This chapter serves as tip to creation of personal wealth. Some of the tips explained in this chapter include;

  • Find a reason greater than reality to motivate you; awaken the financial genius in you. 

  • Feed the mind. 

  • Pay yourself first ideology

  • Choose friends carefully ;avoid the chicken little

  • Being generous ;give and you will receive

  • Having heroes; they make it look easy

  • Teach and you will receive; give whatever you have. 

Chapter 10: More to Dos

This chapter supplements the previous chapter, where he keeps on giving tips. Robert encourages that we should keep the learning curve alive , we should keep, acquiring new information, buying tapes, attending seminars, and when our seems non viable that we should try another way out.

 When you keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting another result is insanity.

On a lighter note I say be rigid about your goals but flexible about your methods.

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