Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Mad max fury

Mad max fury
My world is fire and blood- mankind has gone rogue terrorizing itself with oil wars. (Why are you killing each other – it’s the oil stupid!).

As this world fell apart each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy me or everyone else.

There was a rogue cop who wandered the waste land seeking a righteous cause. A man hunted by both the living and the dead. He had only one instinct survive

Imperator Furiosa went rogue the same day max was caught and made a blood bank. Immortan Joe  furious because Furiosa fled with his precious breeders (girls that gave birth to children for him)

The rogue cop finds himself unwantedly caught in the middle of the chase. With the harsh desert in front of them and the marauders behind, only the maddest will survive this raging storm.

Furiosa rode east seeking for redemption in a place she remembered as home before she was taken 7000 days ago, as they passed the thunderdome max highjack’s Furiosa’s war rig without knowing the kill switch.

 The   war rig went dead but max preferred to be caught by the Immortan Joe rather than giving up the war rig, but Furiosa offered to get the nozzle off his face, then an alliance was formed. A road warrior who wants to survive and a war heroine seeking to go home

As they approached their safe passage one of Immortan Joe’s breeders (splendid) went into labour and this compromised them, so they have to blow up everybody.

By the time they got to the green place (furiosa place of redemption)It was a waste land layed on by croaks. By morning they decided to ride east for 160 days towards the salt but max didn’t want to go on with them. Another face was added to the list of the dead that hunted him, it changed his mind

Indeed max was mad when he said they went back west to immortan territory they escaped from. We take the war rig and charge it right through the middle and block the pass behind was a mad man plan indeed but that way the only way that had hope in it.

A hard day was upon them indeed but they made it back with the help of Nux the war boy attached to max as his blood bank, Furiosa kins women she met at the waste land.

This is indeed of the mad max independent movies in the series from the mad max trilogy.
Other included
Mad max 1976
The road warrior 1981
Mad max beyond the thunderdome 1985

As George miller retells this mad max 30 years later on the fury road it’s indeed a true sci-fic thriller. where there is a heroine in the midst of  a chaotic world seeking for redemption in a far away land she dreams of as home.

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