President Buhari declares assets, when i saw this news i was so excited that i thought i was going to jump out of my skin. Yea literally.
Do You know what i did first, i skipped all the money part and scrolled down to the cows.
Yea right. Since they were using drones to count the cows. Then i might as well know how many there were.
To my utmost surprise, it was just 270.
Sighs heavily!
When i saw this i had just one thought, how much does the president earn! Sincerely this will cause trouble when his tenure is over.
Because some of us (Nigerians) will expect his cows to still be 270.hell no that's imporsicant (if there is a word like that) .
So for those that expect him to still have 270 cows by the end of his four years in tenure,listen carefully if it depreciates that means he donated the cows for haji celebration or entertainment for those that went to mecca but if it increases then he bought them with his hard earned money.
But sincerely i think what he did was brave. Even if most persons like olisa metuah doesnt agree. This means four years from this year We would be able say if he took our money or not(tax payers money).
But also this sheds light on so many things
1.osibanjo shuttles through vgc, ikoyi, redemption camp and England. So if you want to bump into him, try these 3 locations. Well he didn't say the address, so just try the airport in these locations.
2.Am really curious about the law firm. How come it doesnt bear his name, who the heck is simmons cooper. Tomorrow , they will tell Nigerians that he now has two law firms now, Simmons cooper and cooper Simmons associates.
3.He(V. P) has shares in MTN . Now i am officially pissed. Why not in an indigenous telecom. But please he should tell the board of directors in the next shareholders meeting, that we aint doing another round of sim registration. One is just enough.
4.He has money, changed in three different currencies, well am only interested in the swiss account, how much is in it. Why wasn't it mentioned abi im no follow for assets.
5.Please these suv, jeep and Mercedes. I need the plate numbers.
6.Our Oga president has 5 houses, and two mud houses. But sincerely my interest is in the mud house. Why would someone still have mud house in this 21st century. Sound suspicious oooo. Please we need a tour of those mud houses.or is it does 5 storey building built with blocks that look like mud. The location of the other 5 houses is quiet threatening. Are you trying to say he prefers building his houses only in Northern soil.
Please there are two types of mud houses. Both pictures are mud houses. So wait which of them do you think is the mud house mentioned in his assets.
7.Two plots of undeveloped land. I need the dimensions of these plot of land. The location is also necessary. But how can it be just two.
8.He has shares in older companies, that man must be an octogenarian indeed.
9.His account only contains 30 million, and in naira. This assets declaration is really frustrating me, please i need a press interview to ask this question.
How come he doesn't have foreign account. Every basic nigerian that hammers, struggles to secure his hard earned money in a foreign account.
10 . Orchard and economic trees, soon this country will go green.
11.This part is the only part Nigerians seem to be more interested in. 270 cows, Now that basically much money. If a cow cost 100,000,then by 270 cows is how much is that again? Nigerians are so narrow minded. This is where his money is. Put your money where your mouth is.
Variety of birds, abeg no be so they suppose the count am, we need species of each bird, make we know if we go come field trip there. Please
Why is there just 5 horses, well i guess its for the 5 children right! Everyone gets one each as inheritance. Wait ooo, 5 children of the first wife or the second wife. I forgot he has 10 children (2 are late).
N/B all successful president are farmers e.g obasanjo, our present president. So whether it is cows or hectares of cultivated lands. I believe he might turn out to be a successful president after all.
12.what is the meaning of vehicles, several. We need details please.
For those that think these assets will remain like this for the next four years. Now that a practical joke. Lets look at their salaries, so we will be able to project how rich they will get by 2019
13.Hardship allowance. Hian so they are paid for the hardship they will endure while in the presidency seat . Am sure before the year ends, civil servants, youth corp members, minsters they will start demanding for hardship allowance. The state that our country is, dont we derserve hardship allowance.
14.This consistentcy one is very laughable, is it paid as an incentive. Maybe they assume the seat and liver cut. So they are paid to be consistent in the seat.250% of the basic allowance.
But the important question at this juncture is who determines whether the president/deputy is consistent in the discharge of their duties; and also what type of hardships are the president and his deputy faced with in the discharge of their duties?
15.i will leave you to other speculations.
In my humble opinion :i still think he did a brave thing by even announcing his assets including the mud houses. Please we are looking forward to seeing these mud houses intact by the end of his tenure. I dont want to hear that it was demolished. Nigerians go vex and sue him in court.
The charges that will be brought forward is. A court appeal of the people against the president, for demolition of his mud houses and turning it into a 2019 duplex latest model.
Please Nigerians he declared his assets. Why are you for the house adress and plate numbers of his cars. Are you looking for a lost uncle.
All these numerous allowances is just disturbing. If they want to give us a breakdown of his salary, we need to know how much is his wardrobe allowance, personal assistant, entertainment. I am not saying his is not entitled to the allowances but the transparent government, should put everything out there.
Also the names they give to this allowances, insults the poor man. Imagine naming an allowance hardship allowance, then thise that live under the bridge what should we give them.... ..... ... ... ......... . .
Please for those asking the president /deputy wives to declare their assets. That a big joke. He has already told you that his government doesn't recognise office of the first lady.
You want them to start declaring how many kitchen utensils, safari, buba they have. Please the wifes property are private joor.
At the end of the declaration, it was stated that after an attack on the president by boko haram insurgents, he received things from his well wishers.
Please note the affluent lifestyle, the money you see them throw around might be the one he received from dash, that's what they are saying.
Also i think, no matter how they slash their salaries, the office of the presidency is very lucrative, hence it attract individual stirred by greed.
Finally i think he did a good thing and other governors, minsters should be mandated to follow suit. And by 2019 i fierce probe should be set in motion to undeclare*(sic) all these assets.
I leave you to continue the speculations. E. G how many plots of undeveloped lands do you you think the president will buy by 2019. Do u think he will upgrade the mud house or build more. Guess the number cows by 2019.Do you think he will open a foreign account.
Just thinking!!
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