This is our first guest post. This post is from a friend and awesome writer Ihegwuagu Peter.
It is an amazing story! Brought tears to my eyes.
"Wetin dey worry this one? You no see say you match me abi,!?" yelled a female voice behind me as I reached for the last empty chair in the narrow passage.
"Na me you dey talk to?" I asked, as I turned to see check the person shouting.
"Before nko?" She replied, wearing a frown as our eyes locked for minutes.
"Tell them say you no see me" I said to myself before settling down to devour my loaf of bread and cold spirit.
The day has being miserable and exchanging words with a lady was the last thing on my mind while coming to Oga Pauls joint to relax as I wait for the smell of the insecticide in the room to reduce.
"Ebot! (fool) hunger go dey kill you, you come dey form fineboy join" she added as she stood up, kicking the table and almost empting my drink as its content poured on the table. All the attention was now on us as everybody watched the unfolding drama in silence waiting for my reaction.
Idoro has always being my nightmare since I moved into the street after my service year. I have always avoided her like plague thanks to Femi's advice two weeks after I moved into the compound.
"Guy that girl na devil oh!" He said to me, drawing back my attention as I watched her climb the stairs. She wore a tight blue jean and pink top that made staring at her endowed chest irresistible.
"Guy no reason that thing wey dey your mind oh" he cautioned me, as I kept on talking about her beauty for minutes.
"Baba wetin you mean but this babe fine die!!! Na pesin wife?" I begged for more clarification.
"Baba wetin you mean but this babe fine die!!! Na pesin wife?" I begged for more clarification.
"The last guy wey stay for your room dey prison because of her" he said after much pestering from me.
"She visit the guy for him room only to come out few minutes almost naked, shouting that the guy almost raped her" Femi added.
He kept on telling me the stories of the victims of her antics and how her powerful Dad dealt with those poor innocent fellows.
"But why she dey tidy guys like this now?" I asked, wondering why a beautiful damsel like her will go about racking people's life.
"But why she dey tidy guys like this now?" I asked, wondering why a beautiful damsel like her will go about racking people's life.
"Charlie my man, just focus on this your small job. That babe don deal with many guys oh" was his final words to me as he stood up to enter his room. Femi was like an elder brother to me since I moved in and to heed his advice was the only way to survive my stay in the compound.
"Hello and hi" was the only communication between Idaho and i for months though she had tried initiating a conversation on several occasions, " I need to attend to an urgent issue" was always my escape sentence.
" I never see chop na to use me increase the number of people way you don tidy be your plan".
" The thunder way go fire you still dey warm up" I always say anytime I escape from her moves.
Life has not being easy as I envisaged when I chose to serve in Akwa Ibom state. Before coming for my nysc, I have always being fascinated by the beauty of the State as portrayed on sponsored documentaries aired on national TV stations but was highly disappointed when I finally arrived at the state capital.
The state "alawi" for health workers was encouraging but working in a medical laboratory lacking basic diagnostic equipments and tools was an experience I never saw coming. I was lucky to be employed immediately after my service by one of the private hospitals in the city.
Though the pay was not encouraging, it was far better that going back to my parents for accomdation and feeding.
"Charlie bring the test-result of sample FX1 that was sent to you earlier" said Dr. Akpan as I picked the intercom.
"It will soon be ready Sir" I replied as I turned off the centrifuge.
"Please hasten up" was all he said before he ended the call.
Picking the serum with the pipette pipe, I dropped it on the test kit and waited patiently as it starts its journey to the other end of the kit.
"Na wa oh" was all I managed to utter as I saw the double red line on the kit. I recorded the result in the register and headed for the doctor's office immediately. Delaying Dr. Akpan was the last thing on my mind especially after sensing the urgency of the result from the way he spoke.
"Charles!" He shouted and almost jumped on his feet as I entered the office.
"Good afternoon Sir!" I greeted Dr. Akpan,trying to recover from the surprise. I would gladly choose meeting the devil over crossing her path anytime.
" You know this young lady" he inquired as I handed him the result.
"She is my landlords only daughter" I replied him with a smile as I noticed her discomfort.

" Could the result be hers?" I asked but was forced to push it aside since it's none of my business.
"HI!, can I come in?" asked a familiar voice, forcing me to remove my eyes from the eyelid of the microscope.
"Give me some minutes" I replied her as she stood at the entrance.
"Please have a seat" I motioned to her to come over after some minutes, discarding my lab coat and gloves as I sat directly opposite her.
"Charles am sorry for everything" she finally said after some minutes, trying to hold back the tears as they rolled down her chin.
" Am a troubled soul and my own is finished " she added before bursting into tears.
I felt like reaching out to hug her but I allowed her to exhaust all her emotions and outburst.
I was shocked to my marrows as she poured out her heart for the first time, narrating what she had being through from the sexual abuse and molestation by her uncle when she was thirteen to gang rape by six of her boyfriend's friends few months before I moved in.
She kept all these to herself since she had no one to reach out to. The shame associated with being raped prevented her from speaking out , forcing her to transfer the aggression to the vulnerable ones within her reach.
"I did the first time after the rape but was scared after the Dr. told me to come back in six months time."
"How do I tell my dad about this now!" She lamented.
"How will I cope and finish school with this" she added.
"Idoro look at me" I said, moving over to her side, holding her tight as I dried her tears.
"I will speak to your dad if you want me to and will always be there for you" I assured her before planting a kiss on her forehead.
" I love you" she finally managed to say as she assured me that she will be fine.
The next morning turned out to be the worst day of my life as I was greeted by the sight of her lifeless body dangling from a rope tied a branch of the mango tree in the compound.
I watched with disbelief as another beautiful soul heads to the world beyond wounded and shattered by those she once loved.
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