Kayode and kemi were sitted at the hospital reception staring blankly into space. They have been booked for a therapy session from 2 pm till 4 pm. Guess my afternoon will be filled with marriage banter.
Mr and Mrs iyerima I called out, they both seem to be lost in whatever they were thinking. I gently touched the lady's shoulder and she motioned her husband that i had arrived.
They had waited for quite a while and I apologised for keeping them so late. The doctor that referred them to me just called a few minutes ago.
How are you both doing? I asked... The wife ignored the questions.
We need help, she said.
Kayode gave her a thug on the shoulder.
Obviously what the heck do you know about marriage, were his thoughts . I wasnt wearing a Wedding band.
Kayode's piercing and questioning eyes seems to dismiss me as incompetent and not worth his time. I was loosing the confidence of my patients.
Its been 3 years since i started practising physiotherapy in Nigeria . It's been quite an experience. I have had tough patients and cute ones that's what i like to call them.
Doctor fola called me this afternoon. Clara this is huge, but i know you can handle it because you have a big heart. I referred a married couple to you. They're already at the hospital. I hope you will be here in 5 minutes.
I was lying on my couch when he called. I picked up my white jacket , grabbed my handbag and rushed to hope memorial hospital ketum.
Kayode! Kayode !! I called out. I know you might think i cant help you from whatever situation you are in, but a problem shared is half solved.
Kemi you can go on, was the only thing he said.
I met Kayode in my 3rd year at university of nigeria nsukka, we were both studying for banking and finance. We loved each other and got married after school .
Our marriage was great then the babies began to roll in. I had to stop work for a couple of years for child bearing. I have 3 kids Kelechi, Godspower and the only girl Kaiyma.
My last child was 8 when got Back into the profession. Work was tough and i had to call for a house help.
Gladys came she stayed with us for quite a while and the children were fond of her. Then an unfortunate incident happened in her house . Her mother died, she had gone to the village to take care of her blind father
So when she left, my mother inlaw brought udeme to the house . She was so handy and a good cook and took care of the children properly. She was 15 years old .
Its been 8 years since she came to the house, everything has been going on smoothly . She dresses the children for school while i pack their lunch bag. She accompanies the driver as he drops them off to school. When she comes back, she cleans, washes dirty clothes and goes out for her computer lessons . After lessons the driver will pick both the children and udueme and bring back .
I and my husband are fulltime bankers, although i can sincerely say we have not fully participated in the growth of our children. But we provided for them everything they needed. We made sure that they got whatever they wanted. Whenever we are home. We spoke to the children about things happening around.
But something happened today my last born godspower was seriously sick. We called the office and took the day off.
When we got to the hospital. The doctor insisted on laboratory analysis. Few hours into the morning the results came out. I and my husband went into the doctors office. He stared at both of us and asked us the most shocking question of all.
Do you know your HIV status?
Yes we do, what of your sons HIV status.
He is just a boy, Kayode laughed it off.
The doctor stared sternly at Kayode like he didn't know the gravity of the joke he was making
Your son is HIV positive
What!!!! we both yelled in union.
We need to test every member of your household the doctor insisted.
I called okon the driver to pick up udeme and the gateman
Kayode went to pick the children from school.
When everyone arrived the scientists ran tests for everyone.
Kayode and i were in for some 21st century shock .
Udueme was pregnant.
Kayode went to pick the children from school.
When everyone arrived the scientists ran tests for everyone.
Kayode and i were in for some 21st century shock .
Udueme was pregnant.
Kayode and i tested HIV negative. Kaiyama had lacerations in her private parts. This suggested rape.
What the heck are you saying!!! This is not our results
The doctor insisted that we need to meet a counsellor . i insisted we go home and settled this but kayode argued that we meet the counsellor first.
The doctor directed us to you.
Where is the rest of the family i asked.
In the reception she answered.
So I called in everybody.
I started with udeme first.
Udueme you are going to tell us the truth and no one here will judge you. Not even your oga or madam.
Udueme who is responsible for your pregnancy. She Stared like she has has seen a ghost.
She pointed, my heart skipped, kemi fainted and Kayode wept bittherly.
She pointed at Kelechi, how can a 16 year old boy boy impregnant you i asked udueme shocked at her answer.
I tried to restore order in the room.
I screamed quieeeet!
I tried to restore order in the room.
I screamed quieeeet!
We resuscitated kemi that passed out. I turned to kaiyma 8 years old beautiful girl.
Who used to touch your bom bom!
She pointed at okorie the gateman.
Then how come Godspower is positive, i asked no one in particular. Udueme answered
I and godspower use the same tooth brush
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